Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Alrighty than...

Well I just got wind of this boycott that is taking place back in the good ole US of A. The movie "The Golden Compass" is being boycotted by a lot of "christians" and why the hell are they doing this? Well the movie is about how two characters kill God. So the christian sub-culture is up in arms. WHO GIVES A CRAP!!! Why is it that most Christians get offended by a stupid movie that will be forgotten in a couple of months? Why are you wasting you time putting energy into boycotting a movie and not into helping the poor man that sits on the church's front steps or take care of the people who you drive by everyday the person begging for food on the corner? What about the men, women and children that are being murder and driven out of there homes in Africa? What about your friend who is asking questions about your faith and all you can talk about is this stupid movie? Have you stopped and wondered why this guy is writing a book about killing God? It is because of the very thing that you are doing! You are being hypocrites! You claim to be a holy person but you are the first to pull the trigger. STOP! STOP! STOP! You look like idiots and you are making my God look like a non-loving, non-forgiving, hate filled God. He is not that! He loves you just as much as the next person! He loves Phillip Pullman.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I have recently noticed how people make themselves out to be a person they are not. I guess I have know this for a while but here lately it has been made real to me. These certain people get so wrapped up in themselves, they forget about the people around them. They do not care about others feelings or needs. They stop listening and become so self focused. I hate being around a person like that. I really think that this is a great example of what the church looks like to people on the outside. The church has become so worried with its self image, worrying about what other "christians" think, worrying about not fitting into this subculture called christianity, worrying about what kind of music we should sing and how we should sing it. We have stopped listening to the least of these(Matthew 25), the widows and orphans, the homeless, and the poor. In some since we have stopped serving and have taken only for ourselves. We have convinced ourselves that this is what being a follower of Christ looks like. Wow, how wrong are we? How big of an ass have we become?